Ground Engineering (Geotechnical Assessments)
TEC design and undertake geotechnical site investigations and assessments to provide practical and economical ground engineering solutions for your project. We deliver a full range of ground engineering consultancy services from initial feasibility studies and ground investigations through to detailed geotechnical engineering recommendations and design.
We also provide an expert witness service to assist with claim submissions and settlement of geotechnical based disputes.
Geotechnical Site Appraisals (Desk Studies)
We can provide an initial appraisal of the potential risks from ground stability to provide a valuable insight and highlight any liabilities or significant costs that may be associated with the purchase or development of a site. As part of the desk study, we will identify possible geotechnical issues associated with the anticipated ground conditions including infilled ground/ landfills, historical mining features, solution features, slope stability and subsidence. All relevant information from the desk study can then be used to inform an appropriate ground investigation scope of works.
Geotechnical Ground Investigation and Assessments
We design and deliver geotechnical site investigations to identify adverse or unexpected ground conditions prior to land purchase or commencing construction. Understanding the site-specific ground conditions in advance can mitigate the risks from potential significant and costly delays to the construction programme. In addition, good quality geotechnical data, together with our expertise in ground engineering, allows for less conservative and more economical engineering design.
We provide a full range of services for geotechnical assessment and design including slope stability, retaining wall design parameters, settlement analysis, re-use of materials/ earthworks, ground improvement techniques and subsidence investigations.
Coal Mining Risk Assessments
Our experienced team includes Chartered Geologists and Engineers that have particular expertise in producing Coal Mining Risk Assessments in support of planning applications for developments that are located in the Coal Authority Development High Risk Areas. We have undertaken assessments for sites located across the UK in areas that may be affected by mining legacy to identify potential ground stability risks and inform site investigations and remedial works where necessary. We can provide an initial free, no obligation check to see if your site may be affected by coal mining – just call us to find out.
Solution Features
Cavities created by the dissolution of soluble rocks (chalk, limestone, gypsum) can result in collapse of the ground, subsidence, uneven rockhead or reduced rock strength, which can cause delays during construction or structural damage to buildings if the risks are not appropriately identified and mitigated. In addition, any drainage strategy in chalk needs to carefully consider the potential for dissolution/ opening of voids and be designed accordingly. We can undertake a desk-based soluble rock risk assessment (following guidance presented in Edmonds (2001)/ CIRIA C574) for new developments to help inform the design and identify risks at the outset. We also design and undertake geophysical surveys and site investigations to delineate the presence of any dissolution features to identify and minimise risks to your development and provide value engineered geotechnical solutions.

Soakage Testing/ Permeability/ Percolation
We undertake a range of tests to determine soil infiltration rates for surface or foul water drainage systems, to suit your site arrangements and requirements. This includes testing in accordance with the methodology in BRE Digest 365 ‘Soakaway design’, percolation/ field permeability tests to NHBC/ BS5930 methodologies or testing and installation for deep borehole soakaways.
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) / Plate Bearing Tests
We can carry out CBR testing using in-house equipment, including a Transport Road Laboratory Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (TRL DCP), Clegg Soil Impact Tester and Mexecone or sub-contracted plate bearing (plate load) tests. These tests have a range of applications including preliminary pavement design, information for mobile crane/ platforms and pile mat design.
Geotechnical Expert Witness
We provide expert witness services for geotechnical issues including foundations and subsidence, drainage issues, slope stability, earthworks, retaining walls and all things ground engineering related.